51° Gran Premio Alessandro FANTINI – Sunday 06 May 2012 – FOSSACESIA

Will take place Sunday 6 May 2012 the 51st edition of the Gran Premio Alessandro Fantini.

The amateur cycling event will be organized every year as the amateur Sociaetà Chassis A. Jockeys Fossacesia.

Again the location of Riparian Trabocchi Coast ricorda la figura del ciclista che ha portato onore alla città di Fossacesia e a tutto l’Abruzzo per le sue memorabili imprese sportive.

THE SMILE OF CYCLIST” (there are streets where everyone wants to go, full of people waiting)

Alessandro Fantini, cyclist born Fossacesia, Abruzzo, on 1 January 1932, from a family of farmers. His adventure begins a race after the other, one victory after another.

In 1952 is the champion of Abruzzo: the door to the world championships. Then the Tour of Italy, due Tour de France, Tour of Spain, and yet the Tour of Italy ... The life of Fantini is a sprint, and just in the sprint, during the Tour of Germany, a few meters from the finish of Trier, falls. Still. Head banging. This time it's really an end. Died two days after, the 5 May 1961. Was twenty-nine.

His dream is among the olive trees overlooking the sea, remains in a suitcase of old songs brought away.

We walk through the streets of the city; Piazza Fantini, Via Roma, via Sangro, Capitol, median approach, junction Overview, Viale San Giovanni, Avenue of Poplars, Fantini square and will be repeated about ten times for a total of over 60 Km.